Monday, November 15, 2010

Dr Paul

Thanks to Dr Paul Haberstroh for a great presentation at Lake Havasu High School on science and science careers last week. It was one of the best presentations that we have given at LHHS! About 25 students attended and already they are making appointments to begin their college education in science at MCC!

Thanks again Paul

Monday, November 8, 2010

first day of registration

If you are a returning student you can register online today for spring! How easy can it get? But be prepared to pay for your classes when you register. Those that can't pay must wait until a payment can be made. You might try the payment plan at MCC. For more details go to the MCC webpage at If you need help go into the Student Services Office at campus. They can help you and also have computers available for you to register there.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

VOTE today

I hope all of you have voted or are going to vote today! I got to vote early in Havasu. I also hope you all voted for Student Activity Council officers. Whether or not you can join a campus organization or club as an active member I hope that you will participate when you can in an event of the SAC. You will have fun, enjoy yourself, and know you are an active voice in the student body of MCC and your campus.